Ada tokoh yang menghubung-hubungkan kejadian tersebut adalah sebuah karma karena selama ini Amerika sangat berperan dengan kejadian penderitaan rakyat di Gaza akibat perang dengan Israel dan Amerika adalah pemasok senjata utama juga selalu menghalangi kemerdekaan Palestina dikala sidang PBB , padahal mayoritas negara di dunia mendukung atas kemerdekaan Palestina.
Apakah kejadian-kejadian di Amerika benar-benar merupakan peringatan dari Tuhan ? Wallohu'alam, belum lama ini ada berita pesawat canggih F-35 jatuh ,ada tabrakan pesawat komersial dengan helikopter black hawk UH-60 yang menewaskan 67 orang ,dan yang tewas adalah orang-orang penting, ditambah lagi yang terbaru adanya pesawat yang jatuh menimpa rumah penduduk, kilang minyak meledak, adalagi pesawat yang akan take off tiba-tiba terbakar.
Kalau semua kejadian itu ada hubungannya dengan doa orang-orang Palestina yang teraniaya , itu juga ada kemungkinannya, karena Alloh berjanji bahwa doa orang teraniaya akan dikabulkan tanpa penghalang,akankah pemerintah Amerika menyadari akan hal itu ? jadi bisa dipetik sebuah pelajaran ,kita tidak boleh menganiaya makhluk Tuhan, semoga pemerintah Amerika bisa belajar dan menyadarinya.
#Amerika #Bencana #Kebakaran #Los Angeles #California #San Diego #helicopter black hawk crass #kilang minyak martinez
The change of president from Joe Biden to the election results of Donald Trump has been implemented, while at the end of Joe Biden's leadership, America was hit by a serious problem with a fire that was beyond reason. namely Los Angeles, California and San Diego, indeed the natural conditions in America are very extreme, sometimes there are snow storms, sometimes there are tornadoes, and the most devastating thing that until this article was written was a fire that had not been resolved, even the fire brigade The fire was overwhelmed and confused even though all kinds of efforts were made to extinguish it, but the result was still not being able to extinguish the fire.
There are figures who attribute this incident to karma because so far America has played a major role in the suffering of the people in Gaza due to the war with Israel and America is the main arms supplier and has always obstructed Palestinian independence during UN meetings, even though the majority of countries in the world support independence. Palestine.
Are the events in America really a warning from God? Wallohu'alam, recently there was news that a sophisticated F-35 aircraft had crashed, there was a collision between a commercial aircraft and a UH-60 black hawk helicopter which killed 67 people, and those who died were important people, plus most recently there was a plane that crashed on Residents' houses, an oil refinery exploded, and a plane about to take off suddenly caught fire.
If all these incidents have something to do with the prayers of the persecuted Palestinian people, that is also a possibility, because Allah promises that the prayers of the persecuted people will be answered without any obstacles, will the American government be aware of that? So a lesson can be learned, we must not mistreat God's creatures, hopefully the American government can learn and realize this.
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