Dieva WintoroDieva Wintoro
• 2nd • 2nd
Warehouse & Distribution AssistantWarehouse & Distribution Assistant
1d •
Hi Linkeders!
Saya mau update lowongan yang masih available untuk diapply di PT Fuji Seiki Indonesia nih:
1. Machining staff
2. Automation staff
3. Warehouse Leader
4. HRGA (Legal specialist)
Yuk buat bapak/ibu/akang/teteh/temen-temen/adik-adik semua yang mau cari peluang kerja langsung kirim CV terbarumu ke:
email: hr@fid.fujiseiki.com
subject: posisi yang dilamar_nama_domisili
Kandidat yang sesuai kriteria akan segera dihubungi! Tidak ada pungutan biaya apapun sampai proses selesai
Saya mau update lowongan yang masih available untuk diapply di PT Fuji Seiki Indonesia nih:
1. Machining staff
2. Automation staff
3. Warehouse Leader
4. HRGA (Legal specialist)
Yuk buat bapak/ibu/akang/teteh/temen-temen/adik-adik semua yang mau cari peluang kerja langsung kirim CV terbarumu ke:
email: hr@fid.fujiseiki.com
subject: posisi yang dilamar_nama_domisili
Kandidat yang sesuai kriteria akan segera dihubungi! Tidak ada pungutan biaya apapun sampai proses selesai
Reza Marzuki Putra, ST.Reza Marzuki Putra, ST.
• 2nd • 2nd
•Electrical Specialist || MEP
Engineer || Solar PV Engineer || Renewable Energy || Operation &
Maintenance || QC Engineer || HSE || Building Management••Electrical
Specialist || MEP Engineer || Solar PV Engineer || Renewable Energy ||
Operation & Maintenance || QC Engineer || HSE || Building
21h •
Hi, Good Day Everyone!
We Are Hiring!
PT Superkrane Mitra Utama Tbk.
We are currently seeking highly qualified and experienced professionals to fill positions in Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) roles within our organization.
Position Available:
1. HSE Officer
- Minimum of 2 years of experience in the same position (HSE Officer).
- Willing to be placed at project locations in Indonesia.
If you are interested in applying or know someone who might be suitable for this position, please send your application to email: recruitment@superkrane.com with the subject: Application - [Position] - [Your Name].
Thank you!
We Are Hiring!
PT Superkrane Mitra Utama Tbk.
We are currently seeking highly qualified and experienced professionals to fill positions in Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) roles within our organization.
Position Available:
1. HSE Officer
- Minimum of 2 years of experience in the same position (HSE Officer).
- Willing to be placed at project locations in Indonesia.
If you are interested in applying or know someone who might be suitable for this position, please send your application to email: recruitment@superkrane.com with the subject: Application - [Position] - [Your Name].
Thank you!
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