Pemimpin, adalah orang yang bisa mengatur, menggerakan, membimbing, memerintah, mengkoordinasikan kegiatan kepada orang lain dengan tujuan tertentu, dan ini biasanya dalam suatu kelompok yang terdiri dari beberapa anggota.
Pemimpin paling kecil adalah pemimpin rumah tangga yang biasa diperankan oleh Ayah, kemudian dalam lingkup warga yang tentu saja sebuah koloni yang terdiri dari beberapa keluarga maka ada dibentuk seorang pemimpin yaitu ketua RT, dari beberapa RT disatukan di bawah ketua RW, di atas RW adal kelurahan yang dipimpin oleh Lurah, untuk gabungan dari beberapa Kelurahan ada wilayah yang dinamai kecamatan dan dipimpin oleh seorang Camat, adapun kelompok dari berbagai Kecamatan maka dibentuklah Kabupaten dan dipimpin oleh seorang Bupati, gabungan dari berbagai kabupaten dinaungi dalam wilayah Propinsi yang dipimpin oleh Gubernur, dan untuk wilayah yang lebih luas yaitu bentuk Negara yang dipimpin oleh Presiden, tak jauh berbeda dalam sebuah lembaga, urut-urutan kepemimpinan itu juga ada misalnya dalam sebuah Industri mulai dari tingkat bawah ada seorang pemimpin yang dibagi dalam Group-group dan dipimpin oleh seorang group leader, dari group leader-group leader dipimpin oleh Supervisor, dari para Supervisor untuk pertanggung jawaban kerjanya dibawahi oleh Manager dan Manager yang biasanya dibantu oleh asisten Manager, dan manager-manager itu membawahi berbeda-beda devisi, kemudian sebagai pertanggung jawabanya para manager dibawahi oleh plant Manager atau juga bisa langsung Direktur, dan masih banyak lagi pengelompokan –pengelompokan yang dibawahi seorang pemimpin.
Apakah pemimpin itu terbentuk dari lahir ?
Ada 2 penjelasan, bahwa Pemimpin itu memang terbentuk dari lahir, yang seperti ini adalah pemimpin yang karakteristik da nada juga pemimpin bisa dibentuk melalaui pendidikan kepemimpinan namun tetap saja dipilih orang yang memang memiliki karekter jadi pemimpin, meskipun awalanya ada juga yang dibentuk walaupun tidak memeilki pondasi dasara kerakter sebagai pemimpin, nah berikut ini adalah langkah yang harus dilakukan oleh seorang pemimpin.
A leader is a person who can organize, move, guide, command, coordinate the activities of other people with a specific goal, and this is usually in a group consisting of several members.
The smallest leader is the household leader who is usually played by the father, then within the scope of the community, which is of course a colony consisting of several families, a leader is formed, namely the head of the RT, from several RTs united under the head of the RW, above the RW is the sub-district. which is led by the Lurah, for a combination of several sub-districts there is an area called a sub-district and is led by a sub-district head, as for groups from various sub-districts, a regency is formed and led by a regent, a combination of various regencies is shaded into a provincial area which is led by the Governor, and for wider areas, namely the form of the State led by the President, not much different in an institution, the sequence of leadership also exists, for example in an Industry starting from the bottom level there is a leader who is divided into groups and led by a group leader, from the group leaders the group leaders are led by the Supervisor, from the Supervisors for work responsibility they are under the Manager and the Manager is usually assisted by the Manager's assistant, and the managers are in charge of different divisions, then as their responsibility the the manager is subordinated to the plant manager or can also be directly the Director, and there are many more groupings under a leader.
Are leaders formed from birth?
There are 2 explanations, that leaders are indeed formed from birth, those like this are leaders who have characteristics and tone, and leaders can be formed through leadership education, but people are still chosen who really have the character to be leaders, even though initially there are also those who are formed even though they don't have the foundation. basic character as a leader, so the following are the steps that a leader must take.
4 Right Steps to Becoming a Leader
MANY dream of becoming leaders because they are considered to have high power and authority. However, being a good leader is not easy. It takes skill and resilience, as well as credibility to achieve this.
Here are several steps you can try to become a leader, as quoted by Ehow.
1. Make a list of things that make you unmotivated. Make it in column form. After that, write down the things that contributed to the demotivator next to the points in that column. If so, then think about the solution.
2. The next step, write down the advantages you have to implement the solution you have created. This is necessary to motivate yourself.
3. Write a plan of steps or action plan to implement and realize the solution you created. An action plan is important to keep you on the right track, and act effectively and efficiently.
4. Maintain your motivation by always having the passion and enthusiasm to make it happen. An extraordinary achievement can only be achieved with a passionate passion. Passion is the best motivator.
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