Agustus 14, 2024


Sebuah informasi Lowongan bagi para pencari kerja dengan formasi untuk posisi Pattern Engineer Manager dan Pattern Engineer Supervisor di PT.Pratama Abadi Industri yang merupakan perusahaan produsen sepatu, nah bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi kriteria , silahkan baca penjelasanay di bawah ini dan bagaimana cara melamarnya :

Hallo LinkedIn!
PT. Pratama Abadi Industri is considered as one of the shoes manufacturers that have the longest history in producing athletic shoes for International brand in Indonesia. Supported by four plants; Serpong Factory (Head Office), Sukabumi Factory Brebes Factory and Garut Factory, Pratama Abadi Industri is able to produce 2 million pairs of high-quality athletic shoes a month. Equipped with the modern technology machinery and supported by our experience team is committed to producing high quality athletic shoes. We also committed to support diversity, inclusion, and equity by providing equal opportunities and treatment without discrimination based on gender, gender identity or expression, race, skin color, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, citizenship, disability, or other factors protected by law and now looking for:

- Pattern Engineer Manager
- Pattern Engineer SPV

Requirements :
* Min 5 Years or have experience in Shoes manufacturing company ( Pattern Engineer Dept )
* SPV/ Coordinator Welcome to apply.
* Strong knowledge Pattern Engineer in Shoes Company
* Good communication in English, negotiation skills, project management and presentation skills.
* Quality as priority in every working process
* High flexibility to change and adapt
* High integrity and high responsibility for doing your jobs
* Has high concern for work including health, safety, environment, and energy savings
* For disabilities are also welcome to apply
* Willing to be placed in Sukabumi.

Jod Desc :
- Ensuring the quality of production outcomes from trial stages to mass production for both new and existing models according to standards.
- Participating in trials for new and existing models from MST (Manufacturing Start-up Trial) to FSR (Full-Scale Production Trial).
- Monitoring production workflow processes according to the PFC (Process Flow Chart) & SOP (Standard Operating Procedure).
- Evaluating and implementing improvements upon identifying any hindrances in the workflow process.
- Taking responsibility for implementing process change ideas.
- Generating improvement ideas to enhance the standards of work outcomes under their responsibility.
- Ensuring critical processes run smoothly from trial stages to mass production.
- Being accountable for upper-level quality outcomes for both new and existing models from EST (Engineering Sample Test) to FSR according to standards.

For those who have experience in shoe PE, please send your application with subject LinkedIn_PE
to cc
Thank you, stay safe and healthy!

Noted : All Recruitment Processes are Free of Charge
Only Shortlisted candidates will be contacted


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