Agustus 11, 2023

INFO LOWONGAN KERJA ( LOWKER ) LULUSAN D3/D4/S1 in industrial/mechanical/electrical engineering UNTUK POSISI Warehouse Staff DAN Bachelor’s degree (S1) in degree in industrial/mechanical/electrical engineering BERPENGALAMAN UNTUK POSISI WAREHOUSE SIPERVISOR

Jawa Satu Power, PT
Jawa Satu Power, PT 56,478 followers
10h •
We "PT Jawa Satu Power" are thrilled to open our doors to enthusiastic and motivated candidates who are ready to become valued members of our growing family.

PT Jawa Satu Power is hiring for the following positions:
- Warehouse Supervisor
- Warehouse Staff

Warehouse SPV - Job Requirements :
1. Minimum a Bachelor’s degree (S1) in degree in industrial/mechanical/electrical engineering
2. Minimum of 4 years experience in a similar supervisory position
3. Minimum of 5 years experience in the warehouse at power industry or similar industry with 24/7 operations
4. Required skills: Warehouse Management System, Inventory Management, Logistics, Receiving, Distribution and Planning Management, ERP (SAP and Maximo), ISO, 5R, Leadership, Communication, Analytical thinking
5. Able to create and develop an SOP for the Warehouse Operations and familiar with the relevant business process for the Power Plant’s Warehouse or similar industry
6. Knowledge of typical safety and environmental requirement for the storage of hazardous materials
7. Knowledge of Monitoring, reviewing, and reporting the overall activity of warehouse operations
8. Knowledge of commercial processes and budgeting system
9. Experience with the implementation of computerized Accounting systems & Maintenance Management Systems, inventory control, and warehouse management systems
10. Good communication in English both oral and written is mandatory.
Possess excellent team-building skills
Warehouse Staff - Job Requirements :
1. Posses at D3/D4/S1 in industrial/mechanical/electrical engineering
2. Minimum of 3 years experience in the warehouse at power industry or similar industry with 24/7 operations
3. Required skills: Warehouse Management System, Inventory Management, Logistics, Receiving, Distribution and Planning Management, ERP (SAP and Maximo), ISO, 5R, Leadership, Communication, Analytical thinking
4. Able to create and develop an SOP for the Warehouse Operations and familiar with the relevant business process for the Power Plant’s Warehouse or similar industry
5. Knowledge of typical safety and environmental requirement for the storage of hazardous materials
6. Knowledge of Monitoring, reviewing, and reporting the overall activity of warehouse operations
7. Knowledge of commercial processes and budgeting system
8. Experience with the implementation of computerized Accounting systems & Maintenance Management Systems, inventory control, and warehouse management systems
9. Good communication in English both oral and written is mandatory
10. Possess excellent team-building skills
If you're ready to take your career to the next level with us, don't miss this chance! Send your CV to and seize the opportunity to be part of our team.
Subject E-mail:
- For Warehouse SPV position: JSP - Warehouse SPV
- For Warehouse Staff position: JSP - Warehouse Staff

#powerplant #warehouse #supervisor #staff #CCGT

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